June 18, 2014

Blog Renovation

If you didn't notice (because i'm not really that active. haha), my blog posts are gone! I deleted them. You know why? I accidentally washed away all my google photos! How crazy is that?!? My Google Photos, which includes the photos in here and from my Google+ account was synced on my android phone. I want to get rid of them in my gallery so I deleted them all. Tsadaaaa! That's how st*pid I am. haha. So, I'm going to renovate this site. Put some new banners, links and ads. Probably the layout will still be a simple and clean white. Then, (keeping my fingers crossed) i'm going to post more often. Still, I can't decide on a blog title. Do you have any suggestions? I want something connected to flowers or wildflowers, because Aster is a wildflower y'know. Gaaah I'm talking nonsense now. So, that's it for today wednesday! xx, Aster

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