June 18, 2014

Blank Document

Have you ever ever been lost on a dark forest? Not literally but that some kind of feeling. I am in that state right now. There's this four layouts that I need to finish for a church event and I just can't make it. Whenever I start on a new blank document, all I do is stare at it for hours. I tried searching google for help but still it doesn't in any way.

I'm feeling so lost that I'm getting confused. I'm doing this for years. I claimed that I am an artist since I was a child for being my creative self all the time. I won contests, I get high grades for my projects at school, I get commended for my creations, but right now, I can no longer find who I am. It felt like I lost a part of myself.

But who's to blame? I rested on this skill. So now that I need it, it just won't let me do it. So may I advise you guys that even though you've taken a different path of your career, you must not let go of your skill. Take time to practice them once in a while. Take time to sharpen them if you have time. Skills are a gift from God that you cannot take off upon yourselves. It is YOU that makes you for who you are.

And as I'm about to finish this post, my fiance sent me this link from odb.org. It summarizes that we should smile at all times because it isn't just good for us but to others who receives our smile as well. Also, God smiles at us to give us peace! Isn't that heartwarming? For the bonus, he sent me this message:

"I am blessed with ur talents and skills and I know, everytime u make layouts for promotions, even if u felt u did not gave ur best, God still smile on u for He is proud of creating u as his daughter. :)"

Can we say "awwww" together? lol. These are the exact words that I needed right now.

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